RapidDevelopment Servicefor Founders
We've made development simple.
No more bad hires
Save yourself from unreliable freelancers and expensive agencies. Rely on Experts.
Be in the know
Get clear updates not excuses wrapped in tech jargons. On Trello boards and Discord.
Business first
Iterate faster on what your users need. We prioritize business needs over fancy tech.
How we get thingsdone!
Process Driven
Stop guessing the next step. We've solid SOPs in place from Cloud Setup to Marketing Integrations - You're covered.
Best Practices
Strict architecture setup. We don't just write code, all of our architecture choices are well documented and maintain industry standards.
We communicate updates via Loom videos and Trello boards. Discord chats and Google Meets are for strategic discussions.
You want to movefaster?
Membership Sites ->
Best for growing private communities.
Booking Apps ->
Best for event/service bookings.
Custom CRM ->
Best for sales teams.
Why might we not be agood fit?
We're amazing at NextJs development and other pieces of the Node.js eco-system like ExpressJS, React, Angular. But we can't know everything. If you're looking for help with .NET or Django, for example, we're not a good fit.
Let's be honest, async is not for everyone. If you really need your developers to be in meetings, or you need to have invoices with line items and hourly breakdowns, we're not a good fit.
Gambling, Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Pornography, Interest derived services (ie. P2P Loans).